Full size reproduction of Judge Parker's gallows at Fort Smith Arkansas

The Kansas gallows used for the last hangings
in the USA in 1965, before suspension of the
death penalty

The Sierra County gallows in California last used in 1885 (now a restored
museum piece)

San Quentin's gallows in California - last used in 1942

The double trap gallows at
Abu Graib prison in Baghdad Iraq from Saddam Hussein’s time

The execution chamber
in Washington's Walla Walla prison

The gallows in Wyoming
State Penitentiary.

Delaware's amazing gallows last used on 25/01/1996 to hang Billy Bailey

The gallows at Adelaide Australia last used November 24 1964

The gallows at Darwin Australia last used on August
8 1952

Looking down through the trap at Darwin Gaol.
The gallows is preserved as an exhibit

The gallows in Pentridge prison in Melbourne used for Australia's last hanging

A recreation of the
gallows at
Hong Kong's Stanley prison

The gallows in Japan's Tokyo
Detention Centre, last used in 2010. The
red outlined square is the trapdoor.

The gallows at Pretoria
Central Prison in South Africa

Looking up through the trap at Pretoria. It was last used on November 14, 1989