Overview of the death penalty worldwide in 2023.


The reported use of the death penalty worldwide increased during 2023, there being at least 1117 executions in 11 countries (up from 831 executions in 16 countries in 2022).  These are reported and verifiable judicial executions, but there will have been unreported ones in China, Iran, North Korea and Vietnam. Details of executions are very hard to verify in these countries because of the official secrecy surrounding them.  North Korea is omitted because there is no reliable information on executions there.  Sometimes they are reported and then the person supposedly executed re-surfaces several months later, apparently still alive.


Iran hanged at least 807 people during 2023, including 24 women.  Although the mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking was abolished, Iranian executions for drug crime have risen sharply again during this year.  A lot of executions in Iran are not reported in the official (State run) media so other sources have to be relied on. The reliable Hengaw News Agency recorded 829 hangings. Figures of up to 850 executions have been claimed. 

Saudi Arabia publicly beheaded 166 men and 6 women during this year.

Bangladesh hanged 4 men for murder in 2023.

19 executions were reported in the Chinese media during 2023, including those of two women.  The true figure is unknown and is a state secret.

USA : 24 men were put to death in 5 states during 2023 all by lethal injection.  8 were executed in Texas, 6 in Florida, 4 in Oklahoma, 4 in Missouri and 2 in Alabama.
18 men were executed in 6 states during 2022.

Egypt hanged 4 men and 1 woman during 2023 for civilian murders and terrorist attacks.

Iraq hanged 20 men for terrorist offences

Japan had no executions in 2023.

Singapore hanged 4 men and 1 woman for drug trafficking.

Somalia and Somaliland carried out 42 executions by firing squad during 2023, for civilian murders and terrorist attacks.

Vietnam published just 1 execution by lethal injection during this year.

Yemen carried out 13 civilian executions in 2023 by shooting with an AR15 rifle at close range into the prisoner’s back.

The countries in which verifiable judicial executions took place during 2022 are below. (method in brackets)



America (LI)


Bangladesh (H)


China (LI)


Egypt (H)


Iran (H)


Iraq (H)


Kuwait (H)


Saudi Arabia (B)


Singapore (H)


Somalia (S)


Vietnam (LI)


Yemen (S)




Beheading accounted for 172 executions, all in Saudi Arabia.  At least 833 hangings were carried out in 17 countries. Only 19 of them used the long drop.  The short drop was used in Iran and Iraq.
There were 24 lethal injections in the USA + unknown in China and Vietnam, and 55 were executed by shooting in Somalia and Yemen.

For the monthly update of the names, dates and crimes of those executed click here.

34 women were executed in 5 countries during 2023. 24 women were hanged in Iran. Egypt hanged 1 woman for murder.  Singapore hanged 1 woman for drug trafficking. China executed 2 women by lethal injection. 6 women were beheaded in Saudi Arabia, for murder.
Click here for details of females executed in 2023.

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